How to use tea tree oil for acne?
Short answer: Apply tea tree oil topically on acne spots for effective treatment.
Detailed answer
Tea tree oil can be used for acne treatment by applying it directly on the affected areas. First, cleanse your face and pat dry. Take a cotton swab or pad, apply a few drops of tea tree oil, and gently dab it onto the acne spots. Make sure not to use too much as it can cause irritation. Leave it on overnight or for a few hours and then rinse off with water. It is recommended to do a patch test before using tea tree oil to check for any allergic reactions. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that help fight acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation. However, it is important to note that tea tree oil may not work for everyone, and if you experience any adverse reactions or if your acne worsens, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.
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