What is the difference between an allergic reaction and a sensitivity to a skincare product?
Short answer: Allergic reactions and sensitivities to skincare products are two different reactions that the skin can have to certain ingredients or products.
Detailed answer
An allergic reaction is an immune response caused by the body's immune system overreacting to a specific ingredient in a skincare product. This can result in symptoms such as redness, itching, swelling, or even rash. Allergic reactions can occur immediately or after repeated exposure to the allergen.
On the other hand, skin sensitivity refers to a non-allergic reaction that occurs when the skin reacts to certain ingredients or product formulations. It may cause symptoms such as redness, irritation, or stinging sensation. Unlike allergies, sensitivities are not immune system reactions and can happen to any individual, even those with no history of skin allergies.
Differentiating between an allergic reaction and sensitivity is important, as the management and treatment may vary. If you suspect an allergic reaction, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and advice. If you experience sensitivity, avoiding the triggering ingredients and choosing products suitable for sensitive skin can help alleviate symptoms.
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